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Practice RPF Constable Free Mock Tests through Freshersnow.com. We have provided RPF Constable mock tests in the English and Hindi languages. These RPF Constable mock tests are created by subject matter experts.

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Buy All RPF Constable Tests @ ₹ 99.00

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About RPF Constable Mock Test

The RPF Constable Mock Test is an essential tool for anyone preparing to take the Railway Protection Force (RPF) Constable Exam. The mock test is designed to simulate the actual exam and provide candidates with a realistic testing experience. It is an online test with multiple-choice questions, covering a range of subjects such as General Awareness, Arithmetic, General Intelligence, and Reasoning.

By taking the mock test, candidates can become familiar with the exam format and types of questions asked on the actual RPF Constable Exam. This familiarity can help reduce anxiety levels and build confidence, making it easier for candidates to perform their best on the actual exam.

RPF Constable Mock Test: Overview

Authority Name Ministry of Railways
Exam RPF Constable 
Level of Exam National Level
Category Mock Tests, Syllabus, and Exam Pattern
Posts Name Constable
Selection Process Written and Physical Test
Official Website https://indianrailways.gov.in

Important Components of the RPF Constable Mock Test:

The RPF Constable Mock Test also provides detailed feedback on candidates' performance, including areas of strength and weakness in each subject area. This feedback can be used to guide further study and preparation, helping candidates to optimize their performance on the actual exam.

  • The RPF Constable Mock Test consists of a total of 10 Full-Length Mock Tests.
  • The Mock Tests are available in both Hindi and English language for the candidate's convenience.
  • The performance summary of the mock tests along with the solutions & explanations is also provided at the end of each RPF Constable Mock Test.,

Why should you take the RPF Constable Mock Exam?

Taking the RPF Constable Mock Test is a cost-effective and time-efficient way to prepare for the actual exam. It allows candidates to develop effective time management and test-taking strategies, which can be applied during the actual exam. This can be especially helpful for candidates who are unfamiliar with online exams or are taking the RPF Constable Exam for the first time.

What are the Benefits you will get by taking RPF Constable Mock Test?

Exam Format: The mock test simulates the actual RPF Constable Exam format, including the number of questions, time limit, and types of questions asked.

Subject Areas: The mock test covers the subject areas included in the actual exam, including General Awareness, Arithmetic, General Intelligence, and Reasoning.

Time Management: The mock test helps candidates develop effective time management strategies, which can be applied during the actual exam.

Test-Taking Strategies: The mock test provides an opportunity for candidates to develop effective test-taking strategies, such as skipping difficult questions and answering easier questions first.

Detailed Feedback: The mock test provides detailed feedback on candidates' performance, including areas of strength and weakness in each subject area. This feedback can be used to guide further study and preparation.

Familiarity with Exam Format: By taking the mock test, candidates become familiar with the exam format and types of questions asked, reducing anxiety levels and building confidence.

RPF Constable Mock Test: Exam Pattern

Sections Number of Questions Maximum Marks Duration
General Awareness 50 50 90 mins
Arithmetic 35 35
General Intelligence & Reasoning 35 35
Total 120 120

RPF Constable Mock Test: Syllabus

Subject Topics
General Awareness
  1. History
  2. Polity
  3. Geography
  4. Economics
  5. Static Awareness
  6. Biology
  7. Chemistry
  8. Physics
  9. Computer
  10. Current Affairs
  1. Number System
  2. Percentages
  3. Ratio and Proportion
  4. Averages
  5. Simple Interest (SI) & Compound Interest (CI)
  6. Profit and Loss
  7. Mensuration
  8. Time and distance
General Intelligence & Reasoning
  1. Analogy
  2. Odd One Out
  3. Series
  4. Statement & Conclusions
  5. Directions
  6. Coding-Decoding
  7. Mathematical Operations
  8. Matrix
  9. Blood Relation (Age calculation)
  10. Non-verbal Questions
  11. Missing Term

RPF Constable Mock Test FAQs

1) What is the RPF Constable Mock Test?

Ans: The RPF Constable Mock Test is an online practice test designed to simulate the actual Railway Protection Force (RPF) Constable exam. It is an online test that consists of multiple-choice questions covering various topics related to General Awareness, Arithmetic, General Intelligence and Reasoning.

2) Who can take the RPF Constable Mock Test?

Ans: The RPF Constable Mock Test is open to all individuals who are preparing for the RPF Constable exam. Whether you are a first-time test-taker or a repeat candidate, the mock test can help you gauge your preparation level and identify areas for improvement.

3) How long does the RPF Constable Mock Test take?

Ans: The RPF Constable Mock Test is a timed test and typically takes around 90 minutes to complete. However, the exact duration may vary depending on the number of questions and the test format.

4) How many questions are there in the RPF Constable Mock Test?

Ans: The number of questions in the RPF Constable Mock Test may vary from test to test. However, typically, there are around 120 questions covering different topics.

5) What is the format of the RPF Constable Mock Test?

Ans: The RPF Constable Mock Test is an online test that is usually conducted in a multiple-choice question format. However, the exact format may vary depending on the test provider.

6) Can I take the RPF Constable Mock Test multiple times?

Ans: Yes, you can take the RPF Constable Mock Test multiple times. In fact, it is recommended that you take the mock test multiple times to assess your progress and improve your scores.

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